Call to Prayer
As the sun sets on another day in Istanbul we sip chilled beers on our rooftop hostel overlooking Ayr Sofia as seen in the photo.  Last night we fortunately stumbled upon a large group of fellow ralliers in our area of the city which led to a very late night drinking until just a small group of us was left with the bar owner who ordered in a much needed Turkish pizza delivery around 4am. This unfortunately was the cause of a pretty sluggish start which meant we were unable to get to the Iranian Embassy in time for our visas so we will try again tomorrow. However, despite our sorry looking state and lacking energy we managed to do a bit of exploring of the old town and after some relaxing in the hostel we come to the present time, having a few beers before we head out to some of the bars.
Tomorrow we hope to be able to share good news following our second attempt at getting to the Iranian embassy and maybe even have time for a much needed Turkish bath. GUAP