Team 3 Blondes & a Beater

home "sweet" home

Well we have made it safely home (and back to work unfortunately).

The trip was incredible and I can't wait to share the photos and videos of everything we did/saw/experienced!!!!

 I will try to post other hilarious and fun stories that we didnt' have time or internet access to post. Please check back for those in the next few days!!!!


We cannot thank everyone enough for their incredible support! The donations, comments, and big cheers helped us make it across 1/3 of the world in what has been the adventure of a lifetime


Love A & R 

home "sweet" home

Well we have made it safely home (and back to work unfortunately).

The trip was incredible and I can't wait to share the photos and videos of everything we did/saw/experienced!!!!

 I will try to post other hilarious and fun stories that we didnt' have time or internet access to post. Please check back for those in the next few days!!!!


We cannot thank everyone enough for their incredible support! The donations, comments, and big cheers helped us make it across 1/3 of the world in what has been the adventure of a lifetime


Love A & R 

The Finish Line!!!!



We have actually arrived safe and sound in Ulaanbataar with Black Betty intact! After our one puncture at the start of Monglia Black Betty rocked the rest of the way. Her suspension is what kept her running so well, and since we had completely changed her disintegrated radiator she was good to go! 

I have to's actually been quite sad arriving. We were driving along, singing again at the top of our lungs when we drove over a crest of a mountain/hill and there the city was. I was in such a state of mixed emotions I was speechless (for those that know me that is a HUGE feat). I didn't want it to be over! Amanda had already had a huge cry in the car earlier in the day and now we were just stunned. 

The finish line was fun becuase there were loads of other teams there to meet up with. We drove in with 2 teams: On a Wheel & a Prayer (whom we call the Cutie Pies) and the team we nicknamed The Newlyweds (they are not even a couple). So awesome to cross that line with some incredible people that we have traveled with through crazy adventures. Actually...maybe I should share some more of those adventures!? Here you go...

We left Bayanhongor fairly early in the morning on Tuesday after camping with awesome teams (2 ambulances and 3 other cars). Some of the teams had left a bit earlier than us because they were having suspension issues and wanted to go a bit slow. We though no worries, we will just catch up. Our intent was to be in Ulaanbataar that evening. Well things didn't quite work out that way.

 First things first...we had to cross the  fast flowing river almost immediately after setting off. We had crossed one the day before but it was super easy and very shallow. This one....not so much! We watched a few cars take it before we were ready to take Black Betty through. Amanda driving, me filming. Powered in, got half way and then she couldn't go anymore! That is correct, we were in the middle of a river and not moving. Worried about our air intake we turned of the engine and I took a chance and opened the door...the height of the water was just below. I waded out into the river and got behind her, and started pushing along with another guy from the ambulance (Scott). Then Miles came and assisted as we could only get her a few feet more. With the 3 of us pushing we managed to get little Black Betty out of harms way. We figure that she must be too light to continue to get any traction when in water. Thankfully teams work together to get everyone across!

Once the river was crossed the Ambulance continued on quite fast. Soon enough everyone was ahead so once again we were with the 3 teams that have been together the day before (Cutie Pies & Newlyweds). Both of these cars have to go slow due to broken suspensions (much more complicated than that but for simplicity this is basically what was wrong).

(The Cutie Pies were the team we had been with when we decided to stay longer and possibly not have flights home. We have been with them through most of their 13 breakdowns in Mongolia and feel very very attached to them! )

Amanda and I were leading and following the "main road" (this is something you can never really just figure it is the main road because it is the widest, but that can always change). It was pretty rough go with massive potholes (tough for the other two cars) so the Cutie Pies said we shoudl have taken a right back a bit as the road was better and it would eventually meet up again with this one. So we all followed....oh what an adventure that led us on!

After quite some time we realized that that "nice looking road" was not the correct one as it had shrunk and was going in the wrong direction. We stopped and asked a Mongolian in tradiitional suit on a horse. After much hand waving in general direction pointing etc we determined that we could continue on this road and we would eventually get back to the main road...of course seeing many things most won't see. We thought that this was better than backtracking for tons of km's so on we went. And on, and on and on and then realized.... WE ARE LOST IN THE GOBI DESERT!!!!!

For hours we traversed rough terrain in our little cars: climbing hills of rock, balancing over massive ditches, and squeezing through small areas. At one point things got a little insane when Amanda and I thought we should go up this hill to ask at a Ger if we are going the right direction. REmember, there is no main road in the's all a massive jumble of little roads cutting across one another. sometimes they lead to the same road other times they will suddenly go off on a random direction. Because we were last in line no one could see us turn off...they kept going. We thought they would see us on the hill where the yurt is so we sped up there.  Since we could see the other 2 teams we figured they could see us, but we were wrong. The woman at the yurt had no clue so we headed back towards the teams when a 4x4 came our direction. I asked the man which way and he pointed to the road to follow. He was willing to have us follow him. Suddenly I saw the red car (Newlyweds) speeding off in the direction where we had all come from, on his way to go and look for us. I hopped out of the car and told Amanda to cut him off at the pass while I stayed with the Monglian so he wouldn't leave us. 

She speeds of in the distance and I look around...realize that I am in the middle of nowhere with no signs or location points for Amanda to find me on her way back. But it was all ok when suddenly after the Monglian song on the drivers radio ended Celine Dion came on!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I was lost in the middle of the Gobi desert and a Monglian man is playing Celine Dion! I told him she was Canadian and I was Canadian but not sure if he understood. 

After some time I realized that she may not be able to find me again so I though it best to drive to the other cars. I hopped in the awesomely huge 4x4 and we drove back to the Cutie Pies car. They hadn't even seen Amanda and now Paul (from the red car) had not come back. So now 2 missing cars that are driving roads that make no sense, intertwine and all look the same. The entire area looks the same and it's very hard to tell if you have been where you have been. All I was thinking was "Amanda has no directional abilities, oh My GOD!!!!" Thankfully she managed her way back but Paul still had not come back. We couldnt' understand where he would have gone as they had seen us behind them not too far back. However, we all decided we should go and look for him, so we said goodbye to our only hope of getting unlost and watched him drive off. Then we started to look for him. Within minutes we realized that we had no idea which of the many roads he had taken so I suggested we go back to where we all started and just wait. Sometimes when lost it is better to just stay put. I was squished in behind Amanda because we had Nini from the red car in with us. We were quite far ahead of the Cutie Pies when we saw the red car!!!! I told Amanda she had to chase after him and I would hop out and tell the boys to stay put. So once again I was standing in the middle of nowhere watching my only ride drive away from me without me in it! 

The boys pulled up and we all waited, and waited and waited! Finally all the cars came back and we were reunited. We had a pow wow about our communication in vehicles (decided upon some signals and no go's). However, we were still lost! So we went in the direction the man in the 4x4 had pointed. After a bit of time we realized basically where we were and actually turned around and went back to where we had come from when we all lost each other. We were going in the right direction after all...but just hadn't gone very far so hadn't hit the town we thought we should have. 

We left at 9 a.m. and by 9:30 we rolled in to the city that was half way....we should have been there at about 1!!!! 

So, we were lost in the Gobi desert and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!


It is very early here and I am about to go and have breakfast. Then I am off to go and shoot some bazookas!!!! Not sure what Amanda's plans will be...likely she will take it easy as she seems to be coming down with something. 

I do have to say...I am having the time of my life!!!!!!!!

We've survived the car killing road!

Oh My God. What a crazy crazy road!!!! We left Khovd two days ago and everyone we were with had breakdown after breakdown. Black Betty had her engine light turn on so we pulled over and checked the oil. It was empty (wierd 'cause we just did an oil change in Russia) so we added a few more litres. However, once she had cooled down we checked again and she was OVERFILL! We forgot that you are supposed to wait 5 min to check the oil. the engine light came on just because of all the bumps. Thankfully we were travelling with the Scotts who rigged up an oil pan out of an old water bottle, drained the tank and re-added the right amount. Engine light is still on, but apparently that doesn't mean anything!


All of our elecrical has been shaken lose by the bumps, so our speedometer, odometer, gas gage are not working. Our heat switch in the car is stuck on cold and that sucks because Mongolia is freezing and raining in the mountains. One of the bolts holding our engine in the car is broken but rest assured I've just been told by the Mongolian mechanic that it's "no problem, go Ulaanbaatar" so, we're not fixing it. Apparently Black Betty has an unuslay 4 bolt system instead of the usual 3, so she's still got enough keeping things together. The mechanic told me I have his heart and I should not go to Ulaanbaatat but stay in Altai. Sorry, can't do it.


We had a fit of hysteria in the car yesterday. Ro pulled over because she smelled gas, not petrol but butane, in the car. We are both so tired and sick of these roads that we had a full on giggle fit for 10 minutes. I think we're delerious. The Dutchies and the Scotts came out of no-where and thought something was wrong with the car. Nope, we just lost it a little. Laughed ourselves to tears. This is absolutely insane.

The rest of the cars are at the shop now and since we're ready, we're headed off with new caravan teams. Hopefully the rest will catch up.


Not gonna make the 31st flight. We're flightless.


A & R

On our way

Stayed in a Ger camp last night. enjoyed an awesome traditional music concert. ate incredibly delicious mutton stew.

having major tummy troubles today however...not sure if it is the beer (yes Romanda is actually drinking beer) or if it was the yak chai tea or if it was the stew. the bad news about this is we have a long day ahead through some crazy roads. 80 km of great roads then 80 km through the part of the road that takes the MOST # of rally cars. wish us luck!

A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Tweeds & Twats for leaving their Suzuki Alto tires for us. We now have 3 spares...fingers crossed it gets us through the next day or two :-)

We are struggling with getting to Ulaanbataar in enough time for our flights on the 31st. we are trying to change our flights but it will cost loads. Amanda's mom is on it though and hopefully they will be able to do it for less

we are with loads of teams, so dont' worry about us. IF anything Black Betty is doing the best of the bunch. the other teams are having loads of problems including engines having difficult time starting, no headlights, no shocks, broken spring, broken cv joint, and others. Black Betty has only decided to bring back her roar (muffler has a hole again)



a flat tire...but MONGOLIA!!!

WE MADE IT!!!! Well almost there anyway! We are in Mongolia thankfully. A VERY long wait at the Russian border followed by a full day at the Mongolian side. cool thing was there were loads of team and we partied!!! woohoo

 So a very quick update. we broke down in Russia...not a major city, not even near a highway or major road. it was in the middle of NOWHERE!!!! Black betty went over a bump and the fan got stuck in the radiator and blew the motor and melted the fan. we had to say goodbye to Just a Steppe Away and we were once again on our the middle of NOWHERE! however, our amazing navigation and charade skills came in handy and we managed to get our car a complete makeover. Really truly... Amanda won over the old angry Russian mechanic and we got load done to our car! however, this cost us an etnitre day and we arrive late to the the border. We did manage to get in...after major tension with queue jumpers etc. but after a long day we made it into the border to camp on the mongolian side with the other teams

great great time  time at the border with the other teams. then crossed over after a day. oh so much to say!!! stayed at a Mongolian/Kazakh family. had a disco dance party, and drank vodka. good times.

then on our way and of course got a flat. but we are in Mongolia!!!!!!


We arrived into Kazakhstan two days ago and made it into Almaty yesterday afternoon. We have been traveling with Just a Steppe Away and we met up with another team (our nickname for them is white car or break down boys...). We all camped together half way from Shymkent to Almaty and were up early early to get on the road. OH BOY...the roads were pretty good until we hit a rough patch. thankfully black betty made it through! YAY

 Unfortunately a little further on we pulled over because the white car boys (Jez, Jorge, and John) were overheating. While Justin was checking their spark plugs Amanda heard a hissing from our tires. UH OH another flat tire. Thankfully we have two spares so it was no issue and within five min we had a new one on. Because of the rough roads our rim was bent which is where the leak came from. We now have 5 good tires and supposedly the roads get worse from here!!!!

The other car was not so lucky. We managed to get them to a gas station, and after turning the engine off it wouldn't come on again. it wouldnt' even slightly turn over! Well we were lucky and there was a service station right next to the gas station so we pushed the car there. I went into the back and walked in on the shirtless mechanics having beers, cigs, and lunch. I honestly felt like l was entering a sacred poker room. But a mechanic came out and we lifted the hood. Went to show him how it wouldnt' turn over, when of course, the engine started no problem! lol...

Once on the road again things seemed noises and no overheating light. We busted it towards Almaty but 40 km out they had smoke/steam coming from below. We got them to pull over and pop the hood. NOT a good sight! Just a Steppe Away towed them basically into town (fun experience!) We're pretty sure this is the end for them, as steam was coming from the oil dipstick area, the engine, and the resevoir for coolant. Hence the nickname breakdown boys. I wish them luck!!!!

 We stayed at an AMAZING apartment that Christine's Kazak friend hooked up for us and Amanda had a shower she will never forget. Not just for the sake of having a shower after camping for days and sweating in the car (basically our feet have dirt crusted into every line and crack) but because it had buttons! Yes that is right...buttons that she could push and get music, a phone, a sauna and who knows what else. Let's just say when she opened the door to get out of the bathroom she was a bit ended up being a fight with the shower! (I will let her tell more on her next blog and will post the video as soon as I can figure out our youtube account!)

we've basically come to the realization that we will not make it to the 28th party. there is a slim chance but it will be very very tight. some teams have said the roads are horrible from here to Semey so we will see.

I have to go now as our battery is almost dead and Amanda needs to check her facebook. Thanks all for reading and please post commentS!


Here we are... ın Istanbul!

Thıs cıty ıs HUGE and even after you feel you are ın the cıty you are nowhere near the centre...whıch ıs where we planned to go to meet up wıth Justın from Just a Steppe Away. However wıth only one stop at a gas statıon where we receıved one word - Aksaray - we were headıng on our way towards the centre.

 Amanda and I have fıgured out a very good system for cıtıes... I navıgate whıle she drıves. We seem to do very well and wıthın no tıme we had found the centre and a parkıng spot ımmedıately next to one of the major sıghts to see! After a wander, some lunch and a walk to the beach (durıng whıch we got a bıt lost ın the wındıng streets and met a young gırl who asked for her pıc to be taken, and even saw wool dryıng on the sıdewalk) we decıded to meet up wıth Just a Steppe Away to stay on the outskırts of town at a ranch style home for free!

Now for those who have never been to Turkey... the drıvıng ıs INSANE! When there are two proper lanes, cars are ın 4 lanes. no sıgnals. aggresıveness lıke I have never seen before! So props to Amanda for drıvıng ın thıs chaos!!!!! Unfortunately ıt makes ıt very dıffıcult to follow anyone and after only about 10 mınutes of beıng out of town we lost them and went over a brıdge they dıd not and almost got sıdeswıped! I screamed so loud I dıdnt know I had ıt ın me...I thought our trıp was over! Thankfully no accıdent but now we were goıng ın the complete wrong dırectıon wıth no way to turn around and no clue where we were. after one questıon ın the snarled traffıc to a local we were at least goıng to rıght dırectıon. then we saw a sıgn wıth a place we recognızed and aımed that dırectıon. In no tıme we had once agaın navıgated ourselve all the way back to where we had started 2 hours before (ıt wasnt beıng lost that took so much tıme...ıts the ınsane traffıc! We have ıt so good ın Vancouver!)

 Sınce we could no longer meet up wıth the other team we chılled on our rooftop wıth a few other rally teams, drank beer (even me!) and then went to a hooka bar. Chılled on huge comfy cushıons and enjoyed good company. At the very end the entıre hooka toppled over and the ash went all over me, burnıng a hole through my dress and a small blıster on my thumb. nothıng more serıous thank goodness. We made ıt home at a decent tıme and slept on the rooftop of the hostel. We actually PAID to sleep on the rooftop! I thınk we may have gotten the best deal though as ıt was nıce and cool and had a beautıful vıew of the Aya Sophıa mosque lıt up.

Today we are meetıng up wıth Darcy, Erıka and Terry from The Khanucks to do the whole tourıst thıng!

ahhhh....what lovely tımes ın Istanbul

Currently in Greece

Quick catch up...

After leaving the fabulous Westin in Zagreb, Ro and I headed out on the road alone in search of our Croatia beach destinations Split and Dubrovnik. Black Betty was getting a little hot on the uphills through the mountains, but she made it just fine. We didn't think we'd see anyone for the next few days. Then, out of the rear view mirror we see another rally car come up behind us!! Haha! We met Dan & Pasco from Genghis Khar team and travelled with them for the next few days. Spent the first night just outside of Split at a cute little camp ground where we found an outside bar where we had Croatian beers and swam in the ocean. Got back to the campsite later that night and figured I'd go swimming again. Bad call. Very long story short, I basically stepped on an underwater hedgehog. That's right folks, spikes in my feet, knees and hands. Booooo. A nice guy frm Slovakia took me to his campsite where his whole family attempted to get the spikes out of my feet. Ouch. Didn't get them all out but it was too painful to try. Funny story, but I have 5 minutes to update you so I'll press on...


Next day, we took off to Split, found a site and spent the day on the beautiful beach. Boys went fishing and we tanned. Beautiful.


Following day travelled to Dubrovnik where we saw the old city at night. It was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately we didn't take a camera as the boys had theirs so when we get the pictures we'll post. I"ll have to go back there for sure. So amazing.


Next morning we woke to a thunderstorm and total downpour. Not super great when your camping. And it wasn't just a little rain, it rained ALL DAY. We packed up camp in the rain, said goodbye to the boys and started off on our own again to get through Montenegro, Albenia, Macedonia and stay in Greece. Turns out that was a little ambitious. The roads in Montenegro were one lane streets the whole way and traffic was backed up the whole way. It took us all day to go what should have been maybe 2 hours. Boooo. When we finally got out of the one way lanes it was almost the end of Montenegro (where we were going to stay and beach it one more day, but due to the weather, decided not to).

 As soon as we passed one accident with an hour long line behind it, we ran into another. As we attempted to drive around the mess on the road we didn't quite make it and within a few feet Romanda heard and felt the had a bolt in it! Our first flat :-( AND our only spare tire. However, Amanda and I rocked it and changed it within 10 minutes flat (hahaahaaa). Putting the air in was a bit more challenging...they have this technological space air compressor. BUT we did it and were once again on our way...finally a bit faster than the earlier part of the day

 After a few gas station directions, we headed down a "serpentine road" in a National Park to the Albanian border. And from here it just gets CRAZY.... Stay tuned!

Romanda Simpson

crazy, silly, goofy

read more... Load Romanda

Amanda Howes

Load Amanda

<p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="4">Follow us as we prepare for and undertake one of the world's most insane adventures (and don't forget to donate!!!)...</font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>(sign up for our RSS feed at the bottom to stay up to date on our challenges and successes!) </p>