Amanda Howes

Currently in Greece

Quick catch up...

After leaving the fabulous Westin in Zagreb, Ro and I headed out on the road alone in search of our Croatia beach destinations Split and Dubrovnik. Black Betty was getting a little hot on the uphills through the mountains, but she made it just fine. We didn't think we'd see anyone for the next few days. Then, out of the rear view mirror we see another rally car come up behind us!! Haha! We met Dan & Pasco from Genghis Khar team and travelled with them for the next few days. Spent the first night just outside of Split at a cute little camp ground where we found an outside bar where we had Croatian beers and swam in the ocean. Got back to the campsite later that night and figured I'd go swimming again. Bad call. Very long story short, I basically stepped on an underwater hedgehog. That's right folks, spikes in my feet, knees and hands. Booooo. A nice guy frm Slovakia took me to his campsite where his whole family attempted to get the spikes out of my feet. Ouch. Didn't get them all out but it was too painful to try. Funny story, but I have 5 minutes to update you so I'll press on...


Next day, we took off to Split, found a site and spent the day on the beautiful beach. Boys went fishing and we tanned. Beautiful.


Following day travelled to Dubrovnik where we saw the old city at night. It was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately we didn't take a camera as the boys had theirs so when we get the pictures we'll post. I"ll have to go back there for sure. So amazing.


Next morning we woke to a thunderstorm and total downpour. Not super great when your camping. And it wasn't just a little rain, it rained ALL DAY. We packed up camp in the rain, said goodbye to the boys and started off on our own again to get through Montenegro, Albenia, Macedonia and stay in Greece. Turns out that was a little ambitious. The roads in Montenegro were one lane streets the whole way and traffic was backed up the whole way. It took us all day to go what should have been maybe 2 hours. Boooo. When we finally got out of the one way lanes it was almost the end of Montenegro (where we were going to stay and beach it one more day, but due to the weather, decided not to).

 As soon as we passed one accident with an hour long line behind it, we ran into another. As we attempted to drive around the mess on the road we didn't quite make it and within a few feet Romanda heard and felt the had a bolt in it! Our first flat :-( AND our only spare tire. However, Amanda and I rocked it and changed it within 10 minutes flat (hahaahaaa). Putting the air in was a bit more challenging...they have this technological space air compressor. BUT we did it and were once again on our way...finally a bit faster than the earlier part of the day

 After a few gas station directions, we headed down a "serpentine road" in a National Park to the Albanian border. And from here it just gets CRAZY.... Stay tuned!