Team At Her Majesty's Pleasure

Altay, China

the front shocks have gone and the exhaust has fallen off, but the nippa refuses to give in. Plenty of dramas over the last week that we won't go in to, but all is well. It has been well and truly off roading for the last few days and there was some serious rallying today. Jonny reached a new level in ridiculous driving. Hotel tonight, hopefully with running water.

Dzhalal-Abadskaya, Kyrgyzstan

The nippa made it over the pamirs with flying colours. We climbed to over 4200 meters and conquered about five river crossings. The pamirs claimed at least one team that we know of, but our convoy survived. The mountain scenery in Tajikistan is stunning, with lake karakul being the highlight. We stayed in no man's land between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, which was a first, but other than a rabid dog, we were undisturbed. camped up now in a stunning location in the mountains in Kyrgyzstan. Went through osh and jalal-bad. All good, but some of the scenes in osh hit home what it must have been like a few months ago! On to bishkek and almaty tomorrow to meet Charlie and algie who wrote off their car in Uzbekistan. They have been missed.

Dzhalal-Abadskaya, Kyrgyzstan

The nippa made it over the pamirs with flying colours. We climbed to over 4200 meters and conquered about five river crossings. The pamirs claimed at least one team that we know of, but our convoy survived. The mountain scenery in Tajikistan is stunning, with lake karakul being the highlight. We stayed in no man's land between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, which was a first, but other than a rabid dog, we were undisturbed. camped up now in a stunning location in the mountains in Kyrgyzstan. Went through osh and jalal-bad. All good, but some of the scenes in osh hit home what it must have been like a few months ago! On to bishkek and almaty tomorrow to meet Charlie and algie who wrote off their car in Uzbekistan. They have been missed.

Dzhalal-Abadskaya, Kyrgyzstan

The nippa made it over the pamirs with flying colours. We climbed to over 4200 meters and conquered about five river crossings. The pamirs claimed at least one team that we know of, but our convoy survived. The mountain scenery in Tajikistan is stunning, with lake karakul being t ** some text is missing **

Dzhalal-Abadskaya, Kyrgyzstan

The nippa made it over the pamirs with flying colours. We climbed to over 4200 meters and conquered about five river crossings. The pamirs claimed at least one team that we know of, but our convoy survived. The mountain scenery in Tajikistan is stunning, with lake karakul being the highlight. We stayed in no man's land between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, which was a first, but other than a rabid dog, we were undisturbed. camped u ** some text is missing **

Tajikistan, soviet hell

So we're in Dushambe, the capital of Tajikistan. We took 6 hours to cover under 250 km driving on a mountain pass in the middle of the night. Genuine horror show. Charlie and Algy decided to roll their car last night and wrote it off so we'll be spending the day finding a new car for them. We haven't eaten in 24 hours so are a little cranky, also, bell has the shits. Blates. Start the pamir highway tomorrow so will update you if we get past the afghan border and into Kyrgyzstan without binning the car or being shot. Holler back yo!

Arab, Uzbekistan

just hoping through the Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan border. Turkmenistan has been and interesting experience. It's a strange police state, where there has to be the greatest disparity of income I have ever seen. In ashkabat there are Dubai-like sky scrapers, spinning buildings and wide boulevard, while five minutes down the roads, the normal people live. They have people brushing the highway, police are everywhere and they have an 11pm curfew throughout the country! Last night we stayed an a place called Mary, it was a bit of a dive, but we were invited by this genius kid who at 11 has already visited oxford university twice and spoke perfect english, to his dad's roller disco/wedding venue/barbecue where we had some good grub. Stayed at a trucks and are going to bukhara tonight.

Osmancık, Turkey

our mates car has both electric windows not working and in the down position. We're in some strange garage area in central turkey trying to get it fixed. Not being able to put your windows up is not a good thing security wise! Slept in a quarry last night to avoid people who may want to rob their car. Our clutch is also running high.and Jonny is paranoid It's going to go... Turkey is a stunning country, not what I expected to be honest.

Harry Bell

I'm a guy, 25, I live in Shoreditch, East London. I haven't really achieved much in life and want to do something to relieve the monotony of 'normal life'. Luckily, my work are giving me 6 weeks off to do the rally. I'm very excited. Lot's of planning to do!
I love my do.

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Jonathan Price

Load Jonathan

Victoria Hair

Load Victoria

<p>The aim is that we update the blog often.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Let's see... </p>