Jonathan Price

Tajikistan, soviet hell

So we're in Dushambe, the capital of Tajikistan. We took 6 hours to cover under 250 km driving on a mountain pass in the middle of the night. Genuine horror show. Charlie and Algy decided to roll their car last night and wrote it off so we'll be spending the day finding a new car for them. We haven't eaten in 24 hours so are a little cranky, also, bell has the shits. Blates. Start the pamir highway tomorrow so will update you if we get past the afghan border and into Kyrgyzstan without binning the car or being shot. Holler back yo!

The end of the beginning

So here we go. We barely have a route, the team name is ridiculous and the car isn't even bought yet. But nonetheless, we are on our way to having half a clue as to what the hell we've got ourselves into. Stay tuned for some proper information as and when we get our house in order. Much loveÂ