Team Banter Bus

Alex Brunton-Reed
Of Banter Bus
On the The Mongol Rally 2011

, Uzbekistan

Just left Bukhara, picked up a really nice 19 year old Uzbek guy from our hotel called Mirjon, now on our way to Samarqand! He's coming along as he hasn't really travelled in Uzbekistan and wants to learn English...and help with translation issues! Any teams going to Bukhara stay in the Grand Hotel..good breakfast :) (and also a whole load of cats and kittens if your soft like me) x

Alex Brunton-Reed
Of Banter Bus
On the The Mongol Rally 2011

, Uzbekistan

After a nice evening in Nucus, now on the road to Bukhara! Any teams behind us should watch out for the 150km of road works, massive potholes, deep sand and mud..BE WARNED!! Saxo just got stuck in the sand, luckily we've got a ford ranger with us to pull us out...also, for all those who bought an AA towe rope, ask for your money back...(ours snapped even doubled up)...more updates to come x

Alex Brunton-Reed

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Edward Farrelly

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