Team Better than Wok!

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Altay, China

got a good start today and passed more dead cars on the way, four in last two days. After stopping to assist a dead rallyist only to find it was terminal, we set off and about 15 mins later we soon became aware of a strange burning smell. It was our rear brakes stuck on and smoke bellowing from them. We took off bothe rear wheels and managed to free them. We eventually got to altay only to find all bars only sell orange or water??? Two parched blokes and no bar, nearly a riot, but we found a shop that sells beer and stocked the room up. We went out for a meal and drank bottled water through a straw. I have the pics to prove it. Back to hotel room which is like a studio flat to drink our chilled beers and research homeward journey. Oh by the way 600 miles to go hope to get to finish line on friday.

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ölgiy, Mongolia

Well we limped to the nearest town and found a garage. We had both rear springs and shocks replaced. The guys were great. They obviously didn't have suzuki parts so found stuff that nearly fitted and improvised. The rear suspension is better now than when we started cost us 200 dollars but they did the job in two hours and at some points there were 4 guys working on it. You can just stand and watch them .what health and safety. We didn't do many miles today and we are staying overnight so a well earned shower and a beer or two tonight. We will kick off in the morning with a rejuvinated vitara. Look out ulaan bataar better than wok are coming!

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Bayan Olgii, Mongolia

OK guys, it seems as if our updates have tbeen getting to the blog?? We did one on the 18th and 19th. Not sjre what is happenning but tried to cut and paste them i to another update but that would not send? In a nutshell the border crossing from russia to mongolia was a disaster it took 30 hrs an there were 16 rally cars there. A few emailed their embassys complaining. Anyway we are in mongolia and are limpig to the next town to get our rear suspensio fixed, its a slow slog as both sprigs have gone also proably both shocks. We have a slight leakin the rear diff and will check oil level at next town.time is7.15am sunday xo we hope mongolians work on a sunday? Thats it for now will update again toorrow

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

ВКО, Kazakhstan

well our rear suspension is now shot so we feel every khazakstan bump. We are also losing rear axle oil, our exhaust is held on by wire and our 4x4 is still 2x4. We have driven 360 miles today and are camping by the roadside. Will hit russian border tomorrow but prior to that we must top up our rear axle oil. Hopefully mongolia border by wednesday

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

did over 400 miles today but didn't get very far. We drove around the lake and decided to take a closer border crossing back to khazakstan. We drove about 50 miles over rough roads only to find that the border was closed. We had to backtrack to the lake and drive about 250 miles to bishkek where we stayed the night. Crossing the border today and push across khazakstan. Hopefully you will see some progress on our pushpins over the next few days.

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Issyk - Kulskaya, Kyrgyzstan

well anyone doing this rally and driving to south khazakstan and not going to kyrgyzstan is missing out. The mountain ranges are awesome we drove towards lake issy-kol today via some mountain passes, the scenery is breathtaking at 10000ft we had snow on the mountains. Lots of pics and videos but they will not do justice to what we experienced. Camping a second night so Johns homemade shower may be used tomorrow. Car exhaust is limping along but need to get it sorted before mongolia. Stopped at police check ponit. Invited into cabin for some milk. It was horse milk. Not to offend we drank it and it was aweful. Pics with police took place after.

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Talas, Kyrgyzstan

Well we eventually made it across the border to kyrgyzstan zfter several stops so john could relieve himself due to stomach cramps and a bad case of dehli belly. I thought strange, as we both had the same food and drink the night before? I spoke too soon as I have come down with it now. We are having an early night camped next to this fanastic man made lake an spectacular mountain ranges as a backdrop. May go for an early morning dip..

Stephen Owens
Of Better than Wok!
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Shymkent, Kazakhstan

eventually got away from kissinorda at 4pm and john drove 7 hrs solid to get us on the south kazak border. Roads were unervingly good. Also discovered that the kazak dust and sand is good for fixing power steering leaks. Since we buried our car in a sand dune the leak seems to have stopped. Had the car cleaned this morning due to everything covered in dust. Cost us 4 quid and it looks like new. 4 wheel drive still not working but have eliminated some stuff. Will getit on a ramp before mongolia to try and sort it. Should be in kyrgyzstan tomorrow.

John Spanswick


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Stephen Owens

Ex IBMer retired Last year was Mongol Rally 9,400 miles of fun and soiled pants. This year Rickshaw run and lots of Immodium

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<p><strong><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2">Well it seems a long time ago since both John and I retired from IBM. I sort of remember the retirement party, but not the part where John says &quot; Steve fancy doing the Mongol Rally sometime&quot;. I hiccuped and said &quot;sure matey, who's round is it&quot;. The rest of the afternoon/evening was even more blurry but apparently we all had a great time.</font><br /></font></strong> </p><p><strong><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2">18 months later I get a call from John saying. &quot;Good news we have a place on the Mongol Rally!&quot; My initial thoughts were &quot;What the hell is he talking about&quot;. Anyway, as John explained it to me, the mists began to clear as I he<font size="2">ard John say in a </font>pleading voice, </font><font size="2">&quot;you are still interested aren't you?&quot;&nbsp; He had already secured the place and payed the entry fee.&nbsp; I could hear the gasp and feel the sense of relief when I said yes.</font></font></strong></p><p><strong><font size="2"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">So we are now busy watching videos reading books downloading maps and generally preparing for what looks to be the adventure of a lifetime with the added bonus of raising money for some great worthwhile charities. </font></font></font></strong></p><p><strong><font size="2"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">On</font></font></font></font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> </font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">July 24th we will start to drive our 1600cc Suzuki Vitara to Mongolia, leaving Goodwood in Sussex travelling through France, Belgium, Germany, Czech</font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> R</font><font size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">epublic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan, &amp; </font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Kyrgyzstan before finally reaching Mongolia, where our little car will be given to charity</font>.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="2"></font></font></font><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><br /></font></font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="2"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> If you wish to donate please use the links on the left.</font></font></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p>