Stephen Owens

Stephen Owens
Of The Two Phals
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2012

Uttar Pradesh, India

back in curryland. Hi all, again today didnt go without incident, first we lost the petrol filler cap, so an elastic band and a bit of plastic fixed that. Then we had a puncture in front wheel quite frightening as front has only one wheel. Luckily it was outside a puncture rear shop. They chased the wheel and repared puncture all for 4 quid. Then we arrived here. God whakky races. Never seen anything like it

First meeting

    Our first planning meeting will be at Paddington on 4th Feb Probably ending up at a curry house for a vindaloo and a phal ![Laughing](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif "Laughing")


UPDATE 9th Feb 

So, we had our first meeting and fought off the snowstorms (yes, really!) on the way to the pub.


We spent a lot of time discussing lots of things, and then as hunger descended, transferred from the pub to the Indian restaurant (I mean, where else could we have gone!)  

