Team Crash Gordon

Day 6

Day 6 and Crash Gordon find themselves in Raipur awaiting their chariot to finish being fixed. 

Our journey of over 1300 km has seen us travel up the east coast via Mahabalipuran, Nellore for the first two days.  We then headed inland before Vijayawada seeking a road less travelled...we fell short of a fairly punchy goal and ended up seeking refuge in a Catholic mission in the village of Tiruvuru! 

We then headed further north towards Jagdalpur with a monster 16 hour drive through tiger country on some of the worst roads we've seen yet.  One breakdown in the middle of night but we were helped by a gang of mechanics who had us fixed up and on the road in a jiffy. A fairly easy drive yesterday and limped into the insanly crowded city of Raipur with our Tuk Tuk coughing and spluttering!

Crossing fingers all is well and Crash Gordon's mean machine is ready to go.

Will Kemble-Clarkson

Will enjoys pork pies, reading and unusual holidays

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Tom Barker

likes tuxedo t-shirts, the word plinth and fine rum based cocktails.

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Anthony Arnott

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