Will Kemble-Clarkson


Zis zeasons muuust haf in ze Ziberia is undoubt-ed-ly abzolutly everysing you own worn at ze same time! 

In this image, what appears to be a shy sumo wrestler wrapped in yellow and black shrink wrap is in fact Willy...wearing everything he's got.  Aerodynamic and practical.

Is all hustle and bustle at Mechanical Mounties' HQ, last minute adjustments and compression packing of anything containing fleece.  Spirits are high, moral fibre strengthening and upper-lips stiffening!



Have just returned from the wilds of Devon where Nobby from Intrepid Adventures was prepping myself and fellow derbyists Nick and Holly on how to survive when everything goes wrong.  Provided that 'everything going wrong' does not include six hours of mid-Atlantic squall-like weather I'd day anything is possible.  

Top tips 


- If you do encounter afore mentioned conditions, make sure you pack a gallon of diesel to get the fire started. - Gore-Tex is not perfect.  Four out of five soaked survivalists would agree vehemently - if only they could stop their teeth chattering.  - Make sure you cut around the rabbit's bum hole when skinning it otherwise it gets messy (er) - The Swedes (not sweeds) are very clever and make really simple and very useful survival kit - Flares are fun - Insects taste just fine, especially when lightly heated - Apparently a nun on a bicycle is a cyclist.  And that this is a funny joke.






Day 6

Day 6 and Crash Gordon find themselves in Raipur awaiting their chariot to finish being fixed. 

Our journey of over 1300 km has seen us travel up the east coast via Mahabalipuran, Nellore for the first two days.  We then headed inland before Vijayawada seeking a road less travelled...we fell short of a fairly punchy goal and ended up seeking refuge in a Catholic mission in the village of Tiruvuru! 

We then headed further north towards Jagdalpur with a monster 16 hour drive through tiger country on some of the worst roads we've seen yet.  One breakdown in the middle of night but we were helped by a gang of mechanics who had us fixed up and on the road in a jiffy. A fairly easy drive yesterday and limped into the insanly crowded city of Raipur with our Tuk Tuk coughing and spluttering!

Crossing fingers all is well and Crash Gordon's mean machine is ready to go.