SMS Update
WE MADE IT TO CAMEROON!!!...BY AIRPLANE. Flying back to Mexico tonight. Thanks to everyone who made this trip the best ever. Tengo muchas cosas que contarles, nos vemos el 20.
SMS Update
WE MADE IT TO CAMEROON!!!...BY AIRPLANE. Flying back to Mexico tonight. Thanks to everyone who made this trip the best ever. Tengo muchas cosas que contarles, nos vemos el 20.
SMS Update
At last in Mali. Car broke down beyond repair. we are in the panda with the mighty tasmanians. scousers here too. meeting the novas in bamako.
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Leaving Dakhla. Striking Mauritania today. Car running like a dream!
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Going to Marrakech in a convoy with smurfari, novas and desert scousers.
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finally in Africa. Car running well, actually we just overtook a truck
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genoa. Car falling apart. Running out of gas. But we made it to genoa. Looking for a mechanic tomorrow. Ciao.
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Verona. We just had a very important italian lesson ten minutes too late. Gasoilia means diesel NOT petrol. Cleaned out fuel system, fingers crossed.
SMS Update
Slow day - we were confused by german roadworks then stopped by roving german customs police. The police finally cracked a smile when they found cathy's smurf collection.
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in klatovy. Fantastic party in czech. Car and crew in good condition. Heading south now. Los tres amigos.
SMS Update
Had some problems with the engine but rolling again. Heading to Czech. Have temporary Tasmanian team member!
Caballero con los hombres, galante con las mujeres, tierno con los niños, implacable con los malvados.
Es un pájaro! Es un avión! Es una rana!...Una rana? NO, es SUPERCAN!!
Es la primera empresa en patrocinarnos, muchas gracias!! Son una gran empresa con excelentes alianzas estratégicas con los medios de difusión por lo que se han colocado en el mercado como la opción integral para operar todo tipo de campañas publicitarias. Visiten su website.