Team Great Balls of Fur Part 4 - "The Great Indian Safuri"

West Bengal, India

High Tea at the Hotel Elgin in the foothills of the Himalayas, sublime. Discovered that Montafagu second flush is a type of tea and not part of a toilet. Some much needed rest after a cockroach infested night in Purnia. Hoping to catch sunrise over Everest tomorrow.

Bihar, India

spent hours trying to find Patna and then once there somewhere to stay last night in the dark, having categorically decided not to drive at night through this region. Then spent nearly 2hrs to get out and onto the right road. Hands hurt from clutch/gear handle and foot hurts from treading on vicious thorn couple of days ago; all in all,not loving Bihar so far...

Uttar Pradesh, India

After spectacular scenery, albeit with 5 cautionary overturned vehicles on route, got to Varanasi early afternoon on S ** some text is missing ** hats. Lovely hotel overlooking the Ganges and nice dinner has revitalised after the camping exploits. Paid a fortune for vehicle servicing only to have one of the lions break down on the pontoon bridge, causing havoc...

Madhya Pradesh, India

our dual carriageway highway degenerated to single track pothole fest forcing a second night camping. Chased off out first site by men with axes,losing a tiger tail in the process,but much more hospitality at the roadside food stall a little further on. Hoping to push on to get close to Varanasi this eve.

Andhra Pradesh, India

10k south of Adilabad, about to set up camp for the night to balance our overly indulgent hotel last night; first time trying out the tents. Good progress this morning which has mitigated a series of breakdowns this afternoon keeping us just about on track; concern is that this might be the start of constant vehicle failure...

Andhra Pradesh, India

2h of chaotic driving in Hyderabad. Lots of fun, until we broke down on the busiest road! Think we have now perfected our furry convoy skills! Rewarded ourselves with a 5* hotel where one of the 20 security guards fixed Neon Tiger's gearbox. Photos and blog at

Karnataka, India

Averaging a breakdown and RTA per day within the group - maybe why the only advice about driving in the guide book is not to do it... Saw elephants and monkeys today though when broke down in a tiger reserve and finally got a G&T overlooking the impressive Mysore Palace.

Anthony Dickinson

Load Anthony

Katherine Clarke

So... i seem to be unable to 'add' to our team website, so in case it's not accidental and this is the only way i get to say my version events, all the good ideas for rickshaw or route were mine...

read more... Load Katherine

<p style="text-align: left">Imagine the quietest, fastest, safest all-terrain vehicle in the world...Now imagine the opposite. Three wheels, half a horse power and more fun than any other vehicle on planet earth, the humble Rickshaw is undoubtedly the ultimate long distance, off-road machine. Despite being designed for short distances on road.</p><p style="text-align: left">Now imagine driving this across the Indian Subcontinent and into the foothills of the Himalayas. This then is the Rickshaw Run; an unsupported maniac of an adventure which wobbles over thousands of miles of ridiculous terrain.</p><p>And so the Fur Balls set forth once again. This time there are 10 ballers in 5 Rickshaws. You can follow the progress of Katy and Tony on this website. We shall be sending regular updates to the website and uploading photos if we can.&nbsp;</p><p>If you want to read about some of our past adventures please click on the links opposite. You can also check on the progress of the rest of the Furballers.</p><p>If you fancy sponsoring this crazy endeavour we're raising money for Frank Water. </p><p>&nbsp;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Helvetica; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.292969); -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(175, 192, 227, 0.230469); -webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; font-size: medium"><a href=""></a></span></p><p>You can find out more about them on the charities tab opposite.</p><div style="text-align: center"></div><p style="text-align: center"><img src="images/gallery09/6908/70493/400x400.jpeg" /></p>