Team Great Balls of Fur - The Return

SMS Update

Were doing so well at the Russia border until they decided to get an 'MOT bloke' to check Lara for roadworthiness. The new decking and three piece suite appeared to be acceptable however the fact that out of all our lights only our right headlight now works was met with an insistance that we would have to return to Kazakhstan. We eventually crossed on the understanding we'd get it fixed at the first garage in Russia. Now heading East to the M ** some text is missing **

Ian Moore

Load Ian

Anthony Dickinson

Load Anthony

Catherine Arrenberg

Load Catherine

Craig Hattersley

Uber Geek

read more... Load Craig

Tom Ross

Load Tom


Thomas Lawler

Load Thomas

chris paul

Load chris

Matthew Brocklesby

Load Matthew

Tom McShane

Load Tom

Jennifer Page

Load Jennifer

<p align="left"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="4"><strong>The Mongol Rally in a Dennis 'Fur' Engine</strong></font></p><p align="left"><strong><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4">Follow our Progress at <a href=""></a></font></strong></p>