Team IScream

Trav Crawford
Of IScream
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Doğubeyazıt, Turkey

Rocked up at the Turkish border and there's no one there, after some exploring we found all the border guards in their office watching the soccer. They asked where we were from then invited us in to watch the rest of the game while we finished our sangria. All the while the queue was building at the border. Once the game was finished they took us right to the front and stamped us out of the country.

Trav Crawford
Of IScream
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Samsun, Turkey

heading through the tractor capital of the world, had issues with our credit cards paying for fuel and had to try every single one, then wam found a guy that spoke German and we sorted it. For even more excitement I then had a whole bunch of cars driving on the wrong side of the road, taking as long as possible to overtake and making sure they spent as long as possible driving straight at me@

Trav Crawford

I'm Trav
I've entered the 2010 Mongol Rally and am the better half of team IScream. We're rocking a vintage 1973 bedford ice cream van all the way to Mongolia. We'll be handing out ice creams and pumping out greensleaves the whole way there.
Check out our team website

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Jarrod Edwards

A blurb about myself eh? Well it's not a dating website, so I'm not going to describe my good features, rather I'll go for the abstract: I woke up in a Santa suit after a sizeable evening the other day, that and I had an electric guitar strapped to me... Neither me, the guitar nor the Santa suit know what happened. Weirder things have happened.

We're getting our '73 vintage Ice Cream van to Mongolia with or without the help of the Kazakhstani Bactrian Camel.

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<p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>Welcome to the People&rsquo;s Republic of IScreamistan, our attempt to drive a Mr Whippy van from London to Mongolia.<span>&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span></font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>This is a place <span>&nbsp;</span>built on a crazy idea, with a double scoop of humour, <span>&nbsp;</span>sprinkled with madness and a <span>&nbsp;</span>a cherry on top. </span></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>Our mission: To hand out soft serve <span>&nbsp;</span>from London to Mongolia as part of this year&rsquo;s infamous Mongol Rally. </span></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>Our transport: a 1973 Bedford CF Mr Whippy van.</span></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>That&rsquo;s right, we&rsquo;re rocking a Mr Whippy van 16,000kms from London, England to Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia, as part of this year&rsquo;s Mongol Rally.<span>&nbsp; </span>The whole idea is to drive a ridiculous distance through countries most people haven&rsquo;t even heard off, (and no one can pronounce) in the most unsuitable cars possible. <span>&nbsp;</span>As well as being one hell of an adventure, it&rsquo;s most importantly the chance for teams to raise several thousand pounds for 5 official charities.</span></font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>Watch us get our blog on.<span>&nbsp; </span>Stay up to date with our total lack of preparation as we focus on pimping our ride, perfecting our soft serve technique, deciding on soft serve flavours and sorting out our play list, all while completely ignoring the important stuff that we need to survive. </span></font> </p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><span>Once the rally starts you can keep up with all the mayhem we get ourselves into <span>&nbsp;</span>while we drive (or push) our van all the way to Mongolia.<span>&nbsp; </span>You could also take bets with your mates on how far we&rsquo;ll get. </span></font></p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">Peace, Love &amp; Ice Cream.</font></p><p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">IScream.</font></p><p><img src="images/gallery09/26932/400x400.jpeg" /> </p>