Trav Crawford

Trav Crawford
Of IScream
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Doğubeyazıt, Turkey

Rocked up at the Turkish border and there's no one there, after some exploring we found all the border guards in their office watching the soccer. They asked where we were from then invited us in to watch the rest of the game while we finished our sangria. All the while the queue was building at the border. Once the game was finished they took us right to the front and stamped us out of the country.

Trav Crawford
Of IScream
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Samsun, Turkey

heading through the tractor capital of the world, had issues with our credit cards paying for fuel and had to try every single one, then wam found a guy that spoke German and we sorted it. For even more excitement I then had a whole bunch of cars driving on the wrong side of the road, taking as long as possible to overtake and making sure they spent as long as possible driving straight at me@