Team Mongol Loons

Joanna Nicholls
Of Mongol Loons
On the The Mongol Rally 2010


Oh our Goodness. WE MADE IT!!!! Simply can not believe it. Had a wonderful night with the camels then found out we were only 3 hours from UB - we had no idea we were so close! We actually exploded with excitement as we came round a mountain to see the city glistening ahead of us. The car nearly came off its wheels. We then sat in dreadful traffic for an hour playing a new game of truck dodgems to get to the centre. We rolled across the finish line to join a heap of car shells in a cloud of dust, Blaze of Glory blaring. Half of our convoy who had arrived at 01.30 this morning plastered us with beer and whiskey - the rest arrived within a couple of hours. So so magical. We spent the evening swapping wildly exaggerated (well some were, most weren't) stories from the road - about terrible roads, Mongolian hospitality and Russian corruption. Have to say DT is by far the most magnificent car of them all. We are not letting her keys go until they are prized from us.


A million thanks to all for their support the whole way through this incredible experience for both of us. For your messages, phone calls, donations on the website - honestly we are a little overwhelmed by the whole thing right now. 


Off for a beer!

Lots of love, 

J & J xxxxxxxxxx 


Joanna Nicholls
Of Mongol Loons
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Central Mongolia - Gobi-rama!

Totally wiped out today - for jay this was probably due to the vodka and snuff breakfast; for the rest of us it was the 300mph winds, the most punishing driving in the world, the fact we got lost well into the Gobi desert and had to surf little DT (Doblo Troblo) over sand dunes and get the help of 9 children who piled into our car to get us through a 3 foot deep river; o and the full bottle of soy sauce that exploded over ALL our sand-drenched stuff. we smell gooood. for that reason weve decided to grace our presence at another windswept town and have a shower. 

Last night we just had the most brilliant night of the trip. having left the last town late, we found ourselves on a darkening, VERY windy, cold and never-ending plain acorss the Gobi and spotted a yert in the horizon under the mountains. we went cross country to it (no tracks of course) and were greeted with open arms by a wonderful family. after a bit of brilliant miming, they invited us to spend the night in their tent. We spent the night talking and not understanding each other and the mother never stopped working through the night, feeding us with mutton dumplings, noodles, fermented yaks milk (mmm). awkward moment of the century when the daughter finished nursing her baby then her 16 year old brother leaned in for a go! we slept on the floor between mum and dad in a single bed; and daughter and baby in another. the rest disappeared somewhere.

Woke this morning to a full tent of visitors and extnded family peering on at us and waking Jay with homebrewed vodka and snuff, before dressing us in their beautiful traditional clothes - and they were lovely and warm! The characters - their faces and expresions - inclding one lady that must have been over 100 - all wearing fantastic selection of hats. We have NO idea where these people came from. It is true that in Mongolia you can be in the middle of absolutely nowwhere and someone will appear from somewhere to say hello. This yert was 100km from anywhere or anything we had seen - and they all appreared from every direction- walking - simply to check us out!

We barely finished breakfast before father insisted on showing us his animals, jo milked a goat and then tried to help the herding by jumping on a rather wild horse. needless to say she wasnt much help but did provide some amusement! We all then jumped onto some huge camels - one of which took a small dsiliking to jay and spat green gunge all over him!!! We then wound down with Lise teaching the kids arts and crafts and jo making dumplings while Jay took the men for a spin around the desert. Absolutely INCREDIBLE incredible and authentic experience. we were heart broken to leave them this morning.

now for a well earned beer.

Joanna Nicholls
Of Mongol Loons
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Western Mongolia!

So, here we are in a tiny mega windswept town bang in the middle of the gobi desert. Hard to make the cars, buildings and us out as we're covered thick thick in sand. we stopped off at the last town and got ourselves a load of duvets, jumpers and socks. Jo also used the opp to buy a rather lovely leather jacket for London- $20!! bargain- why not! - as it is ridiculously cold. NEVER have we been both so cold and as hot in our lives. Roads are still non existent, burst 4 tyres in the last few days but we're very good and speedy at changing them now!!! Lots of rallier-friends around. people are now abandoning their cars left right and centre and limping in any way possible on to the capital.. train, plane, camel, yak, goat. spent the morning along with a pile of others getting our cars fixed up for the big final slog towards UB. 

had a crazy host-free night last night - we went to a hotel!!!!! and another 6 cars followed us. the poor hotelier had no idea what had hit her (or her hotel with all our sand and muck). such a luxury. went off to enjoy mutton pancakes but then found there are no restaurants in the town - apart from a 24 hour market selling old boiled eggs - which even the mongolians warned us not to eat!! so we resorted back to camping back within the hotel room - literally - bringing out the gas stove and cooking up a wonderful stew - mmmm. we will never be clean again - seriously. we scrubbed last night in our first shower in days and we are still a very strange pinky-orange-black colour which is rather attractive. Putting up a few pics now. Reception is dreadful and v little internet access but hope to be in UB around Friday night - sat if all goes well through the rest of the desert - woop woop!!!xxxx

James Scott
Of Mongol Loons
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Khovd, Mongolia

WE'RE IN MONGOLIA!!!! It is just so absolutely beautiful, an incredible open landscape in every direction - snow capped mountains, desert of every colour, no roads whatsoever. Joined forces with 7 other cars and rallied through mountains, getting stuck in rivers, marshes, boulders etc. Camped last night on open plain - never been so cold in our lives - alcohol helped. Fantastic and real adventure playground. Now we are huddled in a tent drinking ourselevs to sleep, surrounded by 4000 belching sheep, goats, cows and drunk mongolians circling around us - literally!! We thought we were getting an experience in a yert but instead are camping in a quarry with a few families. We are wondering how much this experience will cost us in the morning - stay tuned!!

James Scott

Load James

Joanna Nicholls

Load Joanna

<p>Hello!</p><p>Welcome to our Mongol blog. This is where we will upload our drivel, as we lose our minds between London and Ulan Bataar. We'd love you to join us on this adventure by checking in occasionally and sending us any abuse you like via the comments box.</p><p>Lots of love. We miss you already. </p><p>Jo and Jay x &nbsp;</p>