James Scott

James Scott
Of Mongol Loons
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Khovd, Mongolia

WE'RE IN MONGOLIA!!!! It is just so absolutely beautiful, an incredible open landscape in every direction - snow capped mountains, desert of every colour, no roads whatsoever. Joined forces with 7 other cars and rallied through mountains, getting stuck in rivers, marshes, boulders etc. Camped last night on open plain - never been so cold in our lives - alcohol helped. Fantastic and real adventure playground. Now we are huddled in a tent drinking ourselevs to sleep, surrounded by 4000 belching sheep, goats, cows and drunk mongolians circling around us - literally!! We thought we were getting an experience in a yert but instead are camping in a quarry with a few families. We are wondering how much this experience will cost us in the morning - stay tuned!!