Cork, Ireland
well, we're all settled back into reality *sob* *sob*. we've uploaded some 'on the road' photo's to our gallery & facebook account, and we will be adding more, work and kids and college etc seem to be getting in the way. we are also working on our film which should be ready soon, so stay tuned.
a big thanks again to all who helped us out with sponsorship, donations, good wishes & thumbs up, we really couldn't have done it without yis.
so join our facebook page for more updates & photo's. speak to you all again soon.
Good wood and Czech out Party

Good wood and Czech out Party

Greater London, UK
at heathrow,just waiting to get on the final leg of this unbelievable adventure.we all want to extend the greatest of gratitude to everyone who helped us out with sponsorship,donations and good wishes,we couldn't have made it without you. @
abu dhabi
arrived in abu dhabi after a 7 hour flight from beijing. we're fairly knackered, but not doing too bad. all flights have been delayed so far with the result that we're probably going to miss our heathrow to cork flight, and have to get a later one. should arrive in cork at 11.30, still to be confirmed tho. we'll try and update again in london. looking forward to heading home and seeing the family again.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
car all signed over,all very emotional,going to miss that little car.said goodbye to richie,james,silvia,mariella.on the way to ** some text is missing **
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
we made it to ulaan bataar yeah now to celebrate
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
we made it to ulaan bataar yeah now to celebrate
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
we made it to ulaan bataar yeah now to celebrate
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
we made it to ulaan bataar yeah now to celebrate