Good wood and Czech out Party

Good wood and Czech out Party

Semey, Kazakstan
just 50km or so from Russian border. almost through Kazakstan, the land of vast open plains and terrible roads (and in places no roads!). First light tomorrow we cross into what is supposed to be one of the most beautiful parts of Russia. Thats if they let us in!
Almaty, Kazakhstan
just leaving Almaty now. Had a lovely morning. Got up late this morning (Well 9ish). Well beats the usual 6 o clock start. Found lovely coffee shop and managed lovely coffee and pancakes for breakfast! Of to the famous Gorky Park for an hour or so. Back on the rd again around 15.00 heading for Russia. will take at least 2 to 3 days drive. On another note, Congrads to my sister Angela and her new husband Dave who got married yesterday in west Cork. Best of luck to the two of you from Adrian, Brian and of course me, your lovely brother Paul.
Almaty, Kazakhstan
On our way to Almaty. Rain from last night has stopped. Just got pulled by the cops again ! This time for not having our lights on, and no its not dark its 10.30 in the morning! Cops just looking for some cash. played the usual stupid tourist and he got tired of us and let us go. Brian was driving! we have also brought in A nice shiny new rule today. Whenever we get a ticket from a cop, the driver has to buy the others a beer that night. nice !
Bukhara Province, Uzbekistan
Just left the beautiful old city of Bukhara. Had a proper brekkie for once this morning. On the road to what is supposed to be another lovely city called Samarkand. We should get there around 4ish this evening. lucky we filled the tanks and jerry cans up in Turkmenistan as there is a huge petrol shortage here.
Bojnurd, Iran
Got up early today for our last day in Iran. We have around a 3 hour drive to get to the border. We are leaving Iran with memories of a beautiful country and lovely people.
Tehran, Iran
After nearly 3 hours of been completely lost in the city traffic of Tehran (and crazy drivers!) A Nice man that took pity on us and led us to the irish embassy 20mins or so late for dinner and a little flustered! we were greeted by Elsie at the door and brought in to meet the Ambassador. A half hour later we were sitting down to a lovely homemade meal, the first in two weeks. The Ambassadors wife Elaine, was really nice to us and even had cakes baked for us to take on the road with us. All in all in a lovely evening (No Ferrero Roche though!). No time to hang around for long as we have to head a couple of hundred km to go tonight!
Maku, Iran
After 4 hours and 60 odd dollars we have arrived in Iran! travelling with a group off other rally teams.
Doğubeyazıt, Turkey
A Second Beauty from Adrian today. 'Its amazing that roads appear flat on paper' ! 50km from Iran.