Team Team Guinea-Pig

Mark Baird
Of Team Guinea-Pig
On the The Ice Run 2012

ready to go

its been in interesting job getting ready for this trip. the lack of space and inability to take much on the multiple flights required to get to Siberia has created some issues. hopefully we will have chosen the correct things and prepared ourselves well for the trip. I'm sure we will have mucked up in some way but finding that out will be half the fun. i will do my best to keep this upto date this time as historically i have been utter crap at updating my progress and keeping records.

Mark Baird

So i here its a bit chilly in Siberia in Feb. I should probably take a hat. Maby a scarf to.

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Nick Dodd

I'm Nick. I like having fun, travelling and getting lost. I've done a lot of stupid things;
2009 Mongol Rally
2010 John O'Groats to Lands End cycle

Next year I will do the most stupid of them all; 2012 Ice Run.

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