Mark Baird

Mark Baird
Of Team Guinea-Pig
On the The Ice Run 2012

ready to go

its been in interesting job getting ready for this trip. the lack of space and inability to take much on the multiple flights required to get to Siberia has created some issues. hopefully we will have chosen the correct things and prepared ourselves well for the trip. I'm sure we will have mucked up in some way but finding that out will be half the fun. i will do my best to keep this upto date this time as historically i have been utter crap at updating my progress and keeping records.

Mark Baird
Of Team Banana Hammock
On the The Mongol Rally 2009

SMS Update

just heading to semi now souls pass it later today car is sounding a bit rough now and the power steering is gone we blew out 2 tyres in tajikistan and it turns out u can't get 13" tyres in kasakstan but we bumped into a skoda garage in Almaty and they hooked us up took pics and gave us t shirts and stuff so we are ready for Mongolia now Dow other car issues like the doors are not working right anymore the bumps have buggered loads of stuff but she is still tramping on so all I good!

SMS Update

it's ben another eventfull day we woke up after a night in Prague walked back to our car and it was not there? Our car ain't exactly a car you loose in a car park! It turns out it had been towed so we spent the morning casing that down. Got pulled by the police on the way out of czech and about some tax thing but we Mannager to flee the country befor the polece got us again. Heading down to Belgrade just now

Mark Baird
Of Team Banana Hammock
On the The Mongol Rally 2009

Car Problems

I Love our car but she has been sent to test me!

well today i fixed yet another wee glitch with our car falatio one of the wires in the fuel injection system was broken so get a new plug and soldered it in and fixed the loom this all went fine.

then i thought id check the oil and water as u do only to find a rocker cover full of white milky oil froth and a verry low water level so kinda pissed cos now we are going to need to replace the head gsaket and get the head re-coned when we are at it ( my neighbour has a company the re-cons engines so stupid not to )


yet more costs so any help anyone can offer is much appreciated

Mark Baird
Of Team Banana Hammock
On the The Mongol Rally 2009

We bought the car !!!!!!!

Me and the guys set out to have lunch yesterday!

during lunch we decided it would be a good idea to go try out Phil's new hammock u know how hammocks are u cant be to choosy anyway we got talking about the rally and before we knew it we had driven to Glasgow well actually straight threw Glasgow it turns out bob is no navigator u give him the GPS and somehow u end up on completely the wrong side of Glasgow he was meant to follow the line on the map he did he followed th M8 only when we got suspicions that it had been over an hour and the trip should have taken 40 mins it turns out we had driven straight past the junction some time ago and bob was blaming it on everything he could think off then he went in the huff the big girl that he is!!!!

anyway we turn up for the car nearly 2 hours late by this point we are beginning to wonder whether driving all the way to Mongolia is a good plan as we got totally lost in an area we all know not a good omen but wee decide that maby it is as not so bad as this trip is gonna be more about dumb luck than planning and we did have a laugh taking the piss out of bob so all is not lost.

finally we arrive at the place and there she sits a shiny blue Skoda some say she dose 0-60in 10 mins i don't believe them but she is beautifully bob pipes up and says we shall re name her Falitio after his favorite past time not sure if he prefers giving or getting but anyhoo i hope never to find out!!!!!!

we get her on the trailer wit a few scrapes and we are off home which takes 30 min i might add since bob was no longer navigating by the time we are home it is gray dark so we decide it might be a good idea to go test the car in the field this quickly ends up being a handbrake turn contest in the mud witch was awesome the car performed perfectly even after a few small jumps lol u gotta check these things u know.

so wee put her to bed and retire to the pub for a few sherries!

a day well spent me thinks
