Team The Bounders

Victoria Jakes
Of The Bounders
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

been a great day in UB catching up with other teams and getting our certificates. We arrived in 61st place and did a little shy of 7000 miles in total. We'll be back in London tomorrow. We'll miss being able to visit the charity camp but they have said thank you to you all for your donations. Mongolia is a very poor country and we've seen it first hand. Your donations will make a difference. Despite the hardship of losing our car, please realise that this is a great country and we think very highly if it. It's been an epic experience we'll never ever forgot. Thank you all fit your support and can't wait to catch up with you this week. V&J xx@

Victoria Jakes
Of The Bounders
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ovorhangay, Mongolia

sad news. Nikki wasn't there when we went back for her in the truck. W searched for 2 hours and realised She got nicked. We just found her in a local scrapyard absolutely gutted after getting our truck driver to talk to the local police. We're trying to sort out how to leave it here and not have to take out of the country. Then we hitch to UB and get the hell home. A sad end for Nikki.

Victoria Jakes
Of The Bounders
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ovorhangay, Mongolia

a new day, new cool family we stayed with last night. Stayed up very late trying to communicate with each other. Us drawing and them using a Mongolian-English dictionary. Dad is called Eggie and sorted us out a truck to go and pick our car up and take it to UB. Hoping we can get it fixed there as can't risk going through all this again. Thanks for messages. We're very cheered up now!@

Victoria Jakes
Of The Bounders
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Govi-Altai, Mongolia

we made it to a garage in Altaj! So good to see other rally teams here getting their cars fixed. Makes us feel less useless! Today was immense waking up in a family's ger then watching a sheep be killed and cut up then getting towed then putting the car in the truck and sitting with guys up front. They do shots of vodka constantly, so we were hammered by 3pm! Sad to see them go. Gave them our car stereo to say thank you. It's been the most random day ever.

Victoria Jakes

Chief bounder and sometimes a cad too...

read more... Load Victoria

Joshua Smith

Josh, a cosmic fool and general half wit.

read more... Load Joshua

<p>Welcome to the home of The Bounders - a popular music combo (called&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Underground Bounders and the Vanity</a>) who are driving from London to Mongolia in July 2010 to raise money for&nbsp;<a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=the-bounders&amp;page=charities">charity</a>&nbsp;and have a jolly good time along the way. </p><p><strong>You've arrived at our &quot;on the road&quot; blog - for an intro of who we are and what we're doing </strong><a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=the-bounders&amp;page=the-bounders"><strong>click this link right here.</strong></a></p>