Victoria Jakes

Meghalaya, India

Wow, we left you on quite a cliffhanger didn't we? Been no phone reception for about 4 days so no update...for those waiting to hear - WE MADE IT WITH A VEHICLE!! 9th place in fact clocking 3911km in total. Was looking dicey on Friday morning as everything that could go wrong did: flat tyre, spark lead flaking, running out of fuel (again!!) but we crawled that metal calamity up the hill and got it there with 1st gear not working.

, Visakhapatnam - Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh

11 hours driving (1 scary hour when it was Vicki's turn) resulting in us getting lost in rural India. We finally made it back to the highway - no thanks to some dud directions from two boys (Josh had his suspicions) and then ran out of fuel, at dusk. Getting towed on a main highway at night is not fun. Relaxing at a lovely hotel now. What a mission :)