Hit 1000km and made it to the beach...not bad going for 6 days! next stop-the finish line and a beer...or 10 🍻37

Hit 1000km and made it to the beach...not bad going for 6 days! next stop-the finish line and a beer...or 10 🍻37
Pull into the garage for a wing mirror, get the megaphone wired in for an extra £1... All part of the service!
Day 3 - Georgia can't decide if it's the worst day or best day yet, so we settled for both 😂
Epic morning swimming with blue whales-the videos really don't do the beast justice, huge is an understandment! Google later revealed it can fit 100 people in its mouth at once, glad we kept away from the business end...
Easy drive down back down to Dambulla, passing a wild elephant just chilling roadside. So today we've seen the largest land animal, and the largest animal full stop, and Georgia can't quite believe my favourite wildlife encounter to date was the warthog that ran across the road yesterday morning 😂
Stopped off for some Sri Lankan curry for lunch, delicious but a tad spicy for Georgia's white girl tastebuds- I clearly haven't snuck enough chilli's in her food at home, working progress though.
Tooti (the tuktuk, Tooti-Patooti for full) hasn't failed us yet, but nearly gave up the ghost today in what can only be described as a deluge. The roads turned into rivers and tooti got her knickers wet, leading her to conk out several times in the middle of an almighty storm. There was a point we thought we might just get struck by lightning in the metal tin that is the rickshaw, but she pulled through.
Trekked into the mountains towards Knuckle Forest. Not sure if it was the wisest decision to head up winding mountain roads in monsoon downpours in a 3 wheeler, especially with 1 hour of daylight left, but off we went. Nearly got taken out by 2 buses on route but man it was worth the views.
Finally had enough and ended up down the end of a beaten track (and that's being generous) only to find the most gorgeous hotel, who've cooked us a three course dinner and a celebratory mini wedding cake when they realised it was our honeymoon ❤️
The extent of today's planning over breakfast...let's just go south and see where we end up 👌
Decided to do a spot of blue whale snorkeling before we headed south. Gopro footage to follow
Chilling at Fernando's bar in Trincomalee. Up at 5am again tomorrow for the trek down to knuckles forest - we shall see how far we make it!
Made it to Trincomalee. Decided to stop for the day. Georgia drove a fair chunk of it today, quote"it's like doing the hazard perception test in real life, and like mario karts when your in the town's!"
5am and we set off to climb a rock. View was amazing! Sat having a bit of breakfast and then we are heading to Trincomalee.
What Adam has forgotten to mention is... 4 hours with me navigating-0 wrong turns (and bear in mind I struggle with knowing my left from my right).
30 mins with Adam navigating- and we've gotten lost twice and end up in the arse end of nowhere. What's supposed to be the main road is in fact a canal, and the dirt track of a road is littered with potholes and cows. Not a fantastic combination...
End of day 1.... No mechanical mis-haps. Tooti-Patooti has done is proud on the questionable roads! Stopped by the police and fined 2000rupees (about a tenner) but I when asked for a receipt he handed the money back and sent us on our way 😂. Georgia obviously does not know what a bloody crossroad is so we got a little lost and the roads got rediculously bumpy! Early night tonight as we're up at 5am to see the sunrise from Sigirya mountains.
Deciding we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, we thought we would start by having a relaxing and peaceful honeymoon. My driving makes her feel sick, she cant tell her left from right....If we can make it through the Rickshaw Run without one of us killing the other, I think we'll be set for life.