Pull into the garage for a wing mirror, get the megaphone wired in for an extra £1... All part of the service!
Pull into the garage for a wing mirror, get the megaphone wired in for an extra £1... All part of the service!
The extent of today's planning over breakfast...let's just go south and see where we end up 👌
Decided to do a spot of blue whale snorkeling before we headed south. Gopro footage to follow
Chilling at Fernando's bar in Trincomalee. Up at 5am again tomorrow for the trek down to knuckles forest - we shall see how far we make it!
Made it to Trincomalee. Decided to stop for the day. Georgia drove a fair chunk of it today, quote"it's like doing the hazard perception test in real life, and like mario karts when your in the town's!"
What Adam has forgotten to mention is... 4 hours with me navigating-0 wrong turns (and bear in mind I struggle with knowing my left from my right).
30 mins with Adam navigating- and we've gotten lost twice and end up in the arse end of nowhere. What's supposed to be the main road is in fact a canal, and the dirt track of a road is littered with potholes and cows. Not a fantastic combination...
Just read Adam's post from yesterday night... Had to read it back to him as he appears to have no memory of this, especially the fact he claims its ten to 5am (the date stamp says 23.21 🙈... I think the local arack may have gone to his head 😂😂) he did get one thing right- Wife was not happy, most likely because I had to hold him into the rickshaw the entire way home so he didn't fall out. Didn't realise marriage also included babysitting duties...
Tuk tuks are a go! Well almost... Stalled literally over the start line (quite a feat of precision some might say, or maybe that's just Adam as he was driving) and we seem to be stuck in second gear, but forward at any rate, even with a high pitched whine, is progress for day 1...
Adding the finishing touches to our flag 😁 Can't wait for our honeymoon adventure! 💍🚙💨