Team Totally Tuk'd

Assam, India

Almost ended up in Darjeeling today by missing a turning, but then did find ourselves in a tiger reserve accidentally - didn't see any tigers, but fears we'd crossed the border into Bhutan made us turn back. Horrendous roads at the moment and the tuk is taking a beating. Reached a lovely hotel for the night, sharing with cockroaches (not talking about the Idiots team).@

Srikanth Dola

This is just my warm up for the moto taxi junket.

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Gary Ayling

You can't prove it was me...

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<p align="center"><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="4">This is our team blog - we will endeavour to keep you updated with the build-up and progress on this adventure.&nbsp; Keep checking this page as I'm sure we'll have a few stories to tell (and probably some we shouldn't)...</font></p>