Team What Would Ted Do 2 - Which Way Is North?

Tocache, Peru

we are not actually in tocache, that's 30km away which is a 2.5 hour drive!!! Time and distance don't go hand in this part if the world! The first 3 hours and 125 km's started very flat and uneventful and we stupidly thought we might knock out some seriously distance today, but seeing as its tOwn us 7 hours to do the same distanceI shall explain once I have wifi but never uunderestimate the amount of obstacles driving in Peru can thro ** some text is missing **

Tocache, Peru

we are not actually in tocache, that's 30km away which is a 2.5 hour drive!!! Time and distance don't go hand in this part if the world! The first 3 hours and 125 km's started very flat and uneventful and we stupidly thought we might knock out some seriously distance today, but seeing as its tOwn us 7 hours to do the same distanceI shall explain once I have wifi but never uunderestimate the amount of obstacles driving in Peru can thro ** some text is missing **


Rickshaw Run 2009 - check!
Mototaxi Junket 2012 - check!

Next one........

Dave Leach

Beware, there are hobbits living among us!

read more... Load Dave

<p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><font face="courier new,courier" size="3"><strong>Welcome to Mark &amp; Dave&rsquo;s blog thing!&nbsp;</strong></font></p><p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><font face="courier new,courier"><font size="2"><strong>It&rsquo;s been nearly 3 years since our last adventure, so it is with much excitement we return in September 2012 for another 3 wheeled challenge; the '</strong></font><a href="" target="_blank"><font size="2"><strong>Mototaxi Junket</strong></font></a><font size="2"><strong>'&nbsp;in aid of '</strong></font><a href="" target="_blank"><font size="2"><strong>Practical Action</strong></font></a><font size="2"><strong>'.</strong><font style="font-size: small">&nbsp;</font><font face="courier new,courier" size="2" style="font-size: small"><font size="2"><strong>Last time, we were 'What Would Ted Do' (WWTD), this time, after an extraordinary leap of the imagination, we&nbsp;are&nbsp;&lsquo;What Would Ted Do II &ndash; Which Way Is North&rsquo; (er.&hellip;.WWTDIIWWIN).</strong></font></font></font></font></p><p align="left"><font face="courier new,courier"><font size="2"><strong><u>The Challenge:</u> In a nutshell, the Junket is 14 days of un-routed, unsupported driving madness through deepest darkest Peru. From Piura in the North&nbsp;to Cuzco in the South (c3000km). We and&nbsp;a bunch of&nbsp;other teams will take on some of the most challenging terrain in the world on the most ridiculous piece of engineering known to man: <a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=wwtd2&amp;page=vehicle">The Mototaxi</a>!&nbsp; </strong></font></font></p><p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><font face="courier new,courier" size="2"><strong>Initial investigations indicate we are going to face a whole new set of challenges this time round: These Mototaxi things make our old auto-rickshaw sound like a limousine and Peru is just mountain, desert, more mountain and jungle with many of the&nbsp;roads (for roads read dirt tracks) not actually leading anywhere. Oh well, it is for charity after all, we wouldn&rsquo;t want anyone thinking we were just on some sort of jolly! You can read more about the junket here: '<a href="" target="_blank"><font size="2"><strong>Mototaxi Junket</strong></font></a>'</strong></font></p><p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><font face="courier new,courier"><font size="2"><strong><u>The Charity:</u>&nbsp;</strong></font></font><font face="courier new,courier"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Courier"><font face="courier new,courier"><strong>To read&nbsp;more about the work they are doing in Peru and how your donations will help please visit our </strong></font></span><font size="2"><strong>'</strong></font></font><a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=wwtd2&amp;page=charities"><font face="courier new,courier" size="2"><strong>C</strong></font></a><font face="courier new,courier" size="2"><a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=wwtd2&amp;page=charities"><strong>harities</strong></a></font><font face="courier new,courier" size="2"><strong>' page. You can donate here '</strong></font><font face="courier new, courier" size="2"><strong><a href="">Just Giving</a>'.</strong></font></p><p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><strong style="font-family: 'courier new', courier; font-size: small">That&rsquo;s enough for now &ndash; consider yourselves warned!&nbsp;</strong></p><p align="left" class="MsoNormal"><font face="courier new,courier" size="2"><strong>Hobbit &amp; Ninja Dave</strong></font></p>