Dave Leach

Hey, Quod Ipsa Irrumabo! here! With all the uncertainty currently surrounding our adventure, and, in the light of The Adventurists recent survey, we thought we'd have a go at connecting with any of our fellow teams out there that might be interested in getting some group chat going. We are all in this together after all! Not sure this blog is the right place though (it's certainly not being used much up to now). Maybe a WhatsApp group? And, for the record, we answered "wait as long as possible" to the survey!

Dave Leach
Of What Would Ted Do?
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 09

SMS Update

day 7? Or maybe day 8? Due to doing touristy and mechanical stuff Sunday morning we didnt get on road until 2pm but it wasnt with out drama: Ran out of fuel while lost in the tiny hectic back streets of Fiozbad which drew a rather large crowd and brought the place to a stand still. Later on our travel buddies the Ozzy's had a small electrical fire! Then darkness fell and the small town we came across showed no sign of a hotel. While deciding if to drive on for another 2/3 hours two very nice police men stopped and offered us a Police escourt if we had a drink with them first...we couldn't really say no! :-) its Monday morning and we have 3 days to get to the Nepal boarder. We have decide to dumped Varanassi in favour of going off piste and tackle the small and probably undriveable back roads - carnage will probably ensue but it is supposed to be an adventure!

Dave Leach
Of What Would Ted Do?
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 09

SMS Update

day 6/7: After a short but fairly stressful drive we have made it to Agra - a major mile stone on our journey which means we are over half way already. Unfortunately for Hobbit 3 hours of stomach pains and vomiting on arrival kinda ruined the celebration for him but he's fighting fit today and we all got up at 5am to go see the sunrise at the Taj Mahal which was pretty spectacular. We now have a 2 day 400k drive down to Lucknow then 2 days to the boarder. Other news: the temperature is definatly rising the further north we get and Bob needs more mechanical TLC today.

Dave Leach
Of What Would Ted Do?
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 09

SMS Update

Day 6: Today has been long and quite frankly rather boring. The landscape has been very flat, playing chicken with lorrys got rather predictable and the lack of wildlife meant we moved from yesterdays game "identify the road kill" to the "who can spot the most overturned lorrys" game: total 6. We have tried hard to get to Agra today but Bobs exhauste is hanging off so stopped in Gwalior at the Central Park Plaza Hotel. Its about 5x the price we have been paying but we deserve it! We are off to see a massive fort tomorrow then a short(ish) drive to Agra to go see some big white building...the Taj Mahal or something? Come Sunday we have a relaxing 5 day drive to the Nepal boarder which will give up a chance to take in a national park and get off the big roads. Lovely!

Dave Leach
Of What Would Ted Do?
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 09

SMS Update

Day 5 part 1: its been an interesting & alarming day. Interesting becaue we left the state of Maharashtra into farming country Madhya Pradesh (based on the amount of living and dead thing on all over the road). Its getting dryer which explains the 3 or 4 camel trains we saw today. Alarming because for no reason the road signs to Agra changed from 545k to 620k in the space of 2k...we are still scratching our heads about this but have to put it down to the fact that India is a crazy place and somethings are just unexplainable. For instance the toddler which it seems was being taught to roller stake next to the motorway while hanging off the back of a motorbike?!? And what looked like a headless human body laying on the road side (also seen by the 2 Ozzy boys we have been in convoy with since Goa). According to our mileometer we've done nearly 400k today but seeing as Agra got further away its possible the earths rotation sped up and we've only done 50?