Henry Morris

Henry Morris
Of Kubla Khan
On the The Mongol Rally 2008

Days 11- 13

**Day 11**

Drove from Seman To Quchan in Iran.

**Day 12**

Drove from Quchan to the Turkmen border. 3 hours of paperwork and a few bribes and we were into Turkmenistan.  We decided to try and meet up with the other ralliers so drove through the night from Ashgabat to Turkmenbat.  We arrived at about 4am and had 3 hours sleep!

**Day 13**

A bit of a disaster! We arrived at the Uzbekistan border with our friends only to find that our visa does not start until tomorrow.  So as I write we are stuck in no mans land in our car for a day waiting for tomorrow.  Nice......