Julia E.

Julia E.
Of Three's Company
On the Kraken Cup January 2019

Yes, the anticipation is almost unbearable! I am so excited and at the same time terrified of what will await us during the coming weeks at the Kraken Cup! Right now, all I can do is wait until tomorrow morning to hop on the plane that will take me from Amsterdam, via Nairobi to Zanzibar! Bags are packed and double checked to ensure I have all the gear I've been advised to bring. I guess, I, just as my two other team mates Art and Stevie, we are as ready as one can be for such an epic adventure. 

Next to updates on our team page, we will also be posting pics on our facebook page. 
So follow us not only here, but also check out our page regularly. 

Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/3kraken/?view_public_for=731850913848286

Until then! Wish us fair winds and smooth sailing!