Patrick Cooper

Fundraiser @ The Frog


We have finally got our lazy tuk tuks in to gear and got a few things sorted in the last couple of weeks.We have organised:


**Saturday 11th July 2009, 7pm @ The Frog and Fiddle, Cheltenham    **

**(or 'nham for those of you from the west country) **

There will be a pub quiz (obviously) plus music, plenty of cider, funky dance moves, some kick ass prizes to be won and just general greatness.

Details can be found through the awesome power of myface [here](

So get your planes, trains and automobiles sorted and bring as many friends and family as you can, it should be a great night and the perfect way to get you Saturday night in to action!

We have also booked flights so there is no turning back now. All that is left is one huge insurance package hopefully covering loss of limbs (and predictable bowl movements). Then those visa things and a couple of hundred injections and hopefully some special ointment to ward off evil spirits (not including gin).

3 months to go and we're starting to get a little bit excited!

Pug, Phil & Chris