Thomas Hawes

Pokaran, India

Finished yesterday in our nicest hotel of the trip! Set in an old fort, the pool, buffet and general surroundings were incredible! However despite this pleasant end, the rest of the day wasn't as smooth with one of the tuk tuks rolling! Luckily only 1 person was on board at the time (Alex) and he is absolutely fine!

Bihar, India

Another long day which ultimately has ended up with us taking a serious look at our route and cutting it down considerably so we have more time to enjoy each place! Having said this though, the day despite more breakdowns was on the whole very enjoyable ending up with us sharing a meal with 2 fellow rickshaw teams

Bihar, India

Started off brightly from Bagdogra but what was to follow was far from this! Broken gears, exhausts, roof bars and 4 tyres were just the start! After friendly help during the day, night brought with it far different circumstances! A 13 hour long day resulted in 3 hours of night driving, an experience which will never be repeated on this trip! 1 tuk tuk with limited and the other with effectively no lights driving through the state of Bihar renowned for it's lax laws was not a journey one would ever do again! However despite having no idea where we were, being constantly hounded by people who were let's just say not as friendly as earlier in the day!, we finally arrived at our hotel due to help from 2 random Indians and the local army! Also with us due to leave Bihar tomorrow to much nicer surroundings further west we are still in good spirits, so don't worry parents!@