Team Fancy another Tuk?

Pokaran, India

Finished yesterday in our nicest hotel of the trip! Set in an old fort, the pool, buffet and general surroundings were incredible! However despite this pleasant end, the rest of the day wasn't as smooth with one of the tuk tuks rolling! Luckily only 1 person was on board at the time (Alex) and he is absolutely fine!

Joe Norton
Of Fancy another Tuk?
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Uttar Pradesh, India

Yesterday an early 5am start saw us comfortably cover the 250km to Varanasi and at last make it out of Bihar!! With all going well we thought our fortunes had changed but heavy downpours soon sought to alter this and make life very difficult at our destination! Still onto Rewa today with so far much better weather!

Bihar, India

Another long day which ultimately has ended up with us taking a serious look at our route and cutting it down considerably so we have more time to enjoy each place! Having said this though, the day despite more breakdowns was on the whole very enjoyable ending up with us sharing a meal with 2 fellow rickshaw teams

Thomas Hawes

Having just graduated from Loughborough University, where I did a 3 year course in Geography and Sport, I am now looking forward to a year of travelling, a passion of mine! However in the longer term I’m looking to find work in any field within the event management industry. I love football and particularly the Saints and Ashby Rovers (the club we founded at uni) as well as skiing (which I’m an instructor in) and also water sports (particularly kite surfing), festivals and clubbing! Bring on India!

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Joe Norton

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Alex Nicholls

My name is Alex, everyone knows me as snicks. I'm a graduate who doesn't take life too seriously as you only live once and yet always seem to land on my feet. I'm well into my sport especially the rugby, love socializing and have a great set of mates, life is sweet

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