Catherine Farnworth

West Bengal, India

Been an exciting few days - first day a couple of rickshaws in our convoy overturned so first aid skills came in handy, second day involved a police escort for 120km and being locked overnight in a temple with the army for our own safety due to the ethnic cleansing in the region and then day three ended in night driving and us almost capsizing in a ditch. Yesterday was much calmer, mainly drinking tea in darjeeling. Just watched sunrise over the himalayas but about to pass through bandit country this afternoon so local gurkha knives might be needed for protection!!

Tamabil, Bangladesh

After various buses and cars we made it to the india border this morning, right on schedule. But nothing's ever that easy... India side was shut for strikes so no partying with the others in india for us. Luckily we acquired some local chums last night on the bus so an afternoon of tea drinking with them is in store instead. At least it saves our livers!!

Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Arrived safe and sound in bangladesh. Quickly learning that taxi drivers in dhaka don't have a clue where they're going here. Probably spent over 3 hours lost in backstreets today but eventually found the British Members Club, blagged our way in and got a nice glass of red. Off to the Old Town tomorrow which has been likened to Blade Runner by the expats. Should be fun...

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2tiddly excited girls&1well abused car almost at the finish line. Suzi's ailments...exhaust welded but falling to bits, all types being checked regularly as likely to go any minute, petrol tank wonder welded twice, sump guard lost in the wilderness of mongolia, petrol filter cracked& completely bypassed, driver side suspension gone&a plugged hole in the gear box...suzi drives on what a legend! gutted its almost over.@

Uvs, Mongolia

offroading didn't go so well... First few hours (cat driving) were skillfully smooth. Within minutes of em taking over a tyre blew soon followed by a crater sized hole in the fuel tank. Luckily our american chums towed us to town (100s of kms over mountains and through rivers) where we managed to fix her up! Massive drive days now to try and catch up!@