Emily Musgrave

Ölgiy, Mongolia

Another night at the boarder but it was the last one and others had been there much longer so looks like we were lucky, plus plenty of vodka and drag racing to entertain us. Leaving civilisation now to head on the northern route to Ulaan Batar (a week behind schedule) but at least we got one last night of dancing with the locals before camping in the hills!

Barnaul, Russian Federation

Suzi is a little injured again, the exhaust again, cat driving again... Anyone else noticing a trend? Lets hope she lasts till the mongolian boarder only 200miles, fingers crosses we make it before it shuts in a few hours otherwise its more camping in no mans land for the weekend. But dont worry too much we have plently of russian vodka!

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

finally at the boarder of kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan, bribing our way through as we speak. Travelling around the war wounded country was nowhere near as challenging as getting a broken down ambulance and 4 incapable boys to leave the comfort of a beers at a cushty home stay behind. Lash pants back on for tonight in Almati.