The 2009 Mongol Derby

The Final Countdown

Well, I made it to Mongolia, which is a start but not without drama, minor issues like saddlebags not arriving etc but all sorted out and isn't that blind panic what an adventure is all about anyway? Few issues with the compass as well (it sort of broke when doing a quick bearings recap), but never mind, I have GPS right?

 Wrong, the GPS I had didn't have a USB portal so couldn't download the hundreds and thousands of waypoints, hmmm, problem. Luckily I wasn't the only one in that boat but was the least experienced with a compass so decided to bite the bullet and buy a new one. In Mongolia. When my bank card wasn't working. Hmmmm, problem.

Luckily God was in a good mood (more than can be said for me on 4 hours sleep in over 48 hours) and things worked out ok, the shop assistant even spoke Chinese so at least I knew I was buying the right thing! I'm now equiped with a very smart colourful and detailed GPS, with all hotels, restaurants, attractions etc in UB marked on it, helping enormously in finding the hidden restaurant for the pre departure meal - we were only 30 minutes late, positively punctual for me!

So tomorrow, armed with hangovers, we will make the 6 hour journey to the start line where we will undergo pre race training. There is also a film crew following us who have guarenteed to capture me either falling off or crying, or both, probably in that order!

So, being out of internet range, I'm rather apprehensively handing over these updates to The Boy, who, with parents swanning of go diving is in charge, foolish decision on my part perhaps, we shall see...

But in the mean time, a quick but most heartfelt Thankyou to all those who have helped me get here:

Jules - for sending that email and encouraging me to apply, I may curse you later in the week but right now, a massive thankyou.

Emma and James - for letting me ride your precious ponies, for looking after me, for telling me off for not going running (Emma) and for constanly trying to get me drunk (James), I wouldn't be half as fit or prepared as I am now and certainly wouldn't have had the fun along the way.

Tricia Hirst - for fantastic advice, without which I would have been well and truely stuck, I really cannot thankyou enough.

The parents - for supporting me and berating me in equal measure in my efforts to get here.

The Boy - for putting up with endless prattlings, whinges and panic attacks and also for providing me with pretty much all of my kit (minus aforementioned unsuitable GPS - there will be words!). Now please be nice to me and look after this sight responsibly, resist temptation.

And finally, to all those who have generously supported and donated to Mercy Corps, many many thanks.

Kate Winslet bit over all that is left is to sign off, I shall report back with hopefully some good stories of trials and tribulations and many good photos,

Au Revoir!


Have just returned from the wilds of Devon where Nobby from Intrepid Adventures was prepping myself and fellow derbyists Nick and Holly on how to survive when everything goes wrong.  Provided that 'everything going wrong' does not include six hours of mid-Atlantic squall-like weather I'd day anything is possible.  

Top tips 


- If you do encounter afore mentioned conditions, make sure you pack a gallon of diesel to get the fire started. - Gore-Tex is not perfect.  Four out of five soaked survivalists would agree vehemently - if only they could stop their teeth chattering.  - Make sure you cut around the rabbit's bum hole when skinning it otherwise it gets messy (er) - The Swedes (not sweeds) are very clever and make really simple and very useful survival kit - Flares are fun - Insects taste just fine, especially when lightly heated - Apparently a nun on a bicycle is a cyclist.  And that this is a funny joke.






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A cuatro patas
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Annelie Simmons
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Carina Oliver
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Charles van Wyk
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Charlotte Davison
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Holly Budge
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Katy Willings
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Last But Not Least Team
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Rowan Lovegrove-Fielden
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Saskia van Heeren
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Tara Reddy
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Will Kemble-Clarkson
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Start Date
Wednesday 19th August 2009
Start Line
End Date
Saturday 5th September 2009
Finish Line